Online Examination
Giving Online Exam is secured and an easy-to-use customizable online test maker for Business Training & Educational Assessment with instant result saving your hours of paperwork. CIPL provide the facilities to conduct the examination- environment, infrastructures, hardware related devices, and software solution.

Experience in Assessments






Exam Governance

Experience in Assessments
List of few exams delivered by CIPL:

List of few university exams delivered by CIPL:
List of few certifications Conducted in CIPL Infrastructure:
Examination Process
CIPL aims to be a powerful examination tool for e-Learning and online education. Useful for schools,
colleges, universities, teachers and professors for managing question papers and examinations. Recruiters
and HR managers can use it for candidate's skills evaluation by conducting online test.
Granular Rigor in Exam Processes


CIPL Assessment – Infrastructure

Rigorous Invigilation Management


Exam Governance

Photo & Biometric capture - Strict enforcing of guidelines

System based check to identify unregistered candidates

Option to choose which finger’s impression is being captured

Biometric Verification - Display of score (with appropriate color coding) during verification

Biometric Verification - Verification Report Printout