Computerized Adaptive Testing
Build tests that personally adapt to each student, item by item, using modern AI & machine
learning. Improve precision, increase security, and enhance examinee engagement. Computerized
adaptive testing is a form of computer-based test that adapts to the examinee's ability level.
Designed to adjust their level of difficulty—based on the responses provided—to match the
knowledge and ability of a test taker.

Why make your tests adaptive?
Faster tests
CAT provide 50%-90% reduction in test length – a big deal if you are paying for seat time.
Higher motivation
CAT improves motivation by only giving students items at the right difficulty for them.
Increased security
CAT tests are much harder to cheat and/or steal.
More accurate
CAT tests produce scores with greater precision than conventional tests.
Why deliver tests the same way they were delivered 2000 years ago?
In the 1970s our team helped design and develop the first Computerized Adaptive Test for the US Department of Defense. This innovation revolutionized testing not only making it fairer, but also faster.
FastTest was first online assessment platform that allows YOU to create the fairest and fastest assessments in the world backed by automated psychometrics.
What is CAT?
CAT adapts uniquely to each examinee, in difficulty and/or number of items.
CAT comes from decades of research and academic publications.
Examinees have equivalently precise scores – a more fair than ensuring the same set of items.
Oh, the math!
CAT is based on a family of complex mathematical models called item response theory.
Driving the Science of Assessment

Assessment Systems is an internationally recognized leader in the field of adaptive testing. We can help you develop adaptive tests that are extremely efficient yet still producing valid and defensible scores.
Our Co-Founder and the father of CAT, Prof. David J. Weiss, provides a history and introduction to CAT in this video. This is an invaluable resource if you want to learn more about CAT.
Scholarly research is so important to us that our cofounders also founded the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing.
Sounds great! What do I need?

Before you can even consider a move to adaptive testing, you should confirm that you meet the minimum requirements!
- Items must be scored in real time (no essays etc.)
- Large item bank (3x the planned CAT size)
- Sample sizes of 100-1000 people available for piloting (depending on IRT model)